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Our approach

Pandemic Supermind Activation connects experts around the globe through the powerful combination of online crowdsourcing and technology-informed facilitated dialogue.  

Online crowdsourcing 

The Pandemic Supermind Activation’s crowdsourcing platform is an enabler and identifier of critical unmet needs in the fight against Covid-19 and future pandemics. Through a proven assessment process, the platform engages participants via an online platform, allowing a diverse and geographically separated group to work together conveniently, cost-effectively, efficiently, and rapidly. 

The Pandemic Supermind Activation brings together contributions from many individuals with a broad range of expertise and from variety of relevant fields including researchers, health care providers, scientists, policy makers, pharmaceutical company executives, health insurers, and others. The group work collectively to solve the toughest challenges.  

The platform accommodates collective thinking. Individuals engage when their schedule allows over the three week process.  

By bridging specialties, disciplines, industries, and geographic boundaries with technology, the Pandemic Supermind Activaation aims to deliver deeper insights and more useful and trusted information to contribute to the current and future role of life sciences in pandemic resilience. 


Technology-informed facilitated dialogue  

Pandemic Supermind Activation uses natural language processing in addition to facilitated dialogue to identify themes in experts’ contributions. These themes inform thought questions and prompts throughout the process, ensuring there aren’t gaps during the three-week discussion and discovery period.